Nowadays, there are plenty of debt consolidation companies out there. You hear advertisements on TV and the radio for them seemingly all the time, and you may wonder about giving them a call. But please keep one thing in mind: in most instances, these companies have no legal right to stop creditors from going after you, as they are not debt relief attorneys. Furthermore, attorney Kenneth S. Borcia has seen many documented legal cases brought against these companies in his 30 years of practicing law. And during those 30 years, he has only seen one case where a debt consolidation company actually proved in court that it was trying to help the consumer.
If you are struggling with financial difficulties and/or constantly avoiding creditors, calling an experienced bankruptcy lawyer is typically a far better option. Kenneth S. Borcia & Associates serves all of Lake County, IL, as well as North Chicago, Waukegan, Round Lake, Zion, and Antioch, IL. Attorney Borcia is here to help ease your fears and worries, protect your rights under the law, and stop creditors from taking action against you.
Many people have some misconceptions when it comes to filing bankruptcy, so we’re here to clear a few of them up. First, many people think they will not be able to receive credit until seven years after bankruptcy was declared. In reality, you can apply for credit immediately after the bankrupt process is complete. Secondly, many people fear having property seized during a bankruptcy case. But the truth is that most people don’t lose any property at all, unless they specifically do not wish to keep it. Thirdly, we often get asked about co-signers when filing. Any co-signers can be completely protected when filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and protection can still be arranged when filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Finally, many people think that it’s too late to file if creditors have already starting garnishing wages. That’s not true either! Declaring bankruptcy can stop that, as well as repossessions, foreclosures, and harassment.
Bankruptcy lawyer Kenneth S. Borcia is proud of the work he’s done to help his clients. If you’re facing financial troubles, make sure you turn to an experienced attorney for professional legal services, not a debt consolidation company that’s out to make a profit instead of helping you. Call today to schedule your free initial consultation with our foreclosure attorney!